auditions details Teatro Mistral….

Teatro Mistral is auditioning for:

Macbeth by Giuseppe Verdi.
3-6 performances in October 2019
Performance Location (under negotiation in San Francisco)
Artistic director:  Vismaya Lhi   Music and stage Director:  Osvaldo deLeon Davila
Rehearsals begin in August, 2019. Most roles open. Possible Double casting.
Stipend pay for Principals only. We are auditioning Male singers for the following Roles on November 3rd, 2018.

(always called “Macbetto” in the spoken text) – baritone (role precast* but may cast a cover)
Banco (Banquo) – bass or bass-baritone
Macduff – tenor
Malcolm – tenor
Doctor, servant to Macbeth, Herald, Assasin – bass or bass-baritone
Duncan, Fleanzio – Silent
(comprimarios may double as apparitions)
Key – (1c* – 1pre-cast)

Cafe Cantante!
an ongoing project featuring the music of Spain and Latin America
in conjunction with Andanza Spanish Arts
(theatre, poetry, music and dance)
Performances in various locations
Singers of all fachs
committed to the in depth study of the Spanish repertoire
will be considered

Concert featuring the music of Maurice Ravel, February  2019
Four singers – all fachs will be considered

Opera Cocktales, First Wednesday of the month at Martuni’s
If you are interested in practicing your craft at the Bar,
please indicate your interest at the audition.
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